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At V Learning we’re passionate about creating effective and engaging digital coursework. We combine learning tech with sound design principles to create engaging, effective learning. safety training development
Animation for

We develop animated digital media for all areas of learning. safety training development
for Facilitation

We produce interactive simulations of work environments, for virtual facilitation. safety training development
& E-learning

We develop fast, effective online learning customised to your learning needs.


We create a range of animations for learning, available as stand-alone training or integrated with other materials. Choose from our animation library or let us develop custom content tailored to your training needs.


We produce simulations for virtual facilitation. Your team use these simulations to discuss strategies and collaborate to problem solve evolving situations in simulated environments. This short video shows how our simulated delivery format can be used for virtual facilitation.


We produce everything from Inductions and compliance training through to cyber-security using scenario based e-learning. The following video shows one example of how we use scenarios to provide regular safety training for operational teams.

© 2024 V Learning Pty Ltd

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